Wednesday, January 2, 2008


That Look a like meter is fun to play with... but it changes depending on which picture you use. Oh well. I found it on the website of a mom with a babe born same month as Savy, we both frequent a certain mothering forum to get info, advice, show pictures, talk about stuff most people don't want to hear about (diapers, fevers, unfounded worries, bragging, etc.). But anyway, it's from a website that deals with genealogy, so I think I'm gonna start doing that again. About every year or two, I start doing research at an obsessive rate for about a month or so. Then I drop it again. It's been about a year now, so I figure, hey, how about now? I probably be making a trip to the Historical Society in the next few weeks, so if anyone's interested in going to the History Museum, let me know, it'd be loads of fun! Hmmm, I wonder if they've added more state census years online since I've been there last... Wandering away now.

Baby Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebs - Collage - Morph